Monday, 5 February 2018

PSB remit for BBC radio programmes

Which programmes are most clearly fulfilling their PSB remit?
Radio 1 claim to 100% fulfil their PSB remit as within their 'shows' they cover all 3 purposes that public- service broadcasting radios have to cover ( to entertain, to inform and to educate)
Radio 2: entertains, informs and educates
Radio 3: informs and educates with a smaller amount of entertainment
Radio 4: entertains with its use of readings and factual programmes however is more educational and informative
Radio 5: inform and educate
Radio 6: entertaining

What range of programmes are offered?

Radio 1: Mix of contemporary music and speech
Radio 2: distinctive mixed music and speech service
Radio 3:  mix of music and cultural programming
Radio 4: mixed speech service, offering in-depth news and current affairs and a wide range of other speech output
Radio 5: provide live news and sports coverage
Radio 6: entertain lovers of popular music with a service that celebrates the alternative spirit in popular music
Which audiences are being targeted?
Radio 1: 15-29 yr olds

Radio 2: over 35

Radio 3: over 35

Radio 4: Adults

Radio 5: Middle age to elderly

Radio: over 20
Which one of the 3 principles are most in evidence in which programmes?

Radio 1: entertain

Radio 2: inform

Radio 3: educate

Radio 4: inform

Radio 5: educate

Radio 6: entertain

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