Monday 6 November 2017


Gatekeeping is a term which is applied to the editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let some information 'pass through' to the receiver (audience) and other information remains barred.
In 1965 some media researchers analysed international news- findings led them to create news values

THRESHOLD- The bigger the impact and reach of the story

UNEXPECTEDNESS- an event that is a shock or out of the ordinary

NEGATIVITY- bad news is more interesting 'if it bleeds, it leads'

ELITE PERSONS/PLACES- stories about important people and powerful nations

UNAMBIGUOUS- straight forward and to the point stories

PERSONALISATION- stories that include human interest- 'real people'

PROXIMITY- stories that are closer to home are more likely to be included

CONTINUITY/CURRENCY- stories that are already in the news continue to run and be updated

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