Tuesday 7 November 2017

Semiotic Analysis of Newspapers

Tabloid analysis: The Sun
This tabloid newspaper has hit the news values of 'unexpectedness' and 'continuity'. The headline story is 'CPS PROBE ON GREEN 'EXTREME PORN' which immediately captures the newspapers target audience as it gives them a story that will affect them and one that they would be interested in. The headline is big and bold with little writing in the bottom right corner showing how the headline is what is going to grab the readers attention. At the top of the newspaper, alongside the masthead, is a story regarding the reality TV show ' Strictly Come Dancing'. It has been positioned next to the masthead so when the customer is looking at what paper it is, they immediately see this story. The story is placed here to cater to the papers C2,D,E audience and includes a pun 'out on his Aston' showing that although the paper tackles big stories, it also has a humorous aspect to it. The sun is a left wing newspaper which is shown through he political stories they publish to influence the public. The Sun is a tabloid also know as a redtop newspaper simply for the red surrounding colour on the masthead. The colours of the main article give a denotation of being black and white however give connotations of being a much more serious article in comparison to the colourful other surrounding articles that are of a more playful style and reports 'soft news'. The use of the phrase 'extreme porn' will instantly catch C1,D,E audience due to the subject of porn being a taboo one.

Broadsheet: The Daily Telegraph

This broadsheet newspaper has hit the news values of 'unexpectedness', 'negativity', 'elite persons' and 'continuity'. Looking at the layout of the newspaper it is clear that there is a lot of writing in comparison to the tabloid perhaps indicating the target audience as to be A,B,C1 (more intellectual people). The front page uses an 'elite person' -Donald Trump- to sell the story as anything that concerns him is in the news. The background colour in the photo gives the denotation of red and white but gives connotations of the American flag which leads to a cross-cultural story. The front cover has a few stories on it with bold subheading however have no attractiveness to attract a C1,D,E person. Above the masthead there is a 'Total Football' advertisement with the picture running into the 'T' of 'The Daily Mail' meaning advertisement is important as a person wold typically go to read the name of the paper then see the advert cutting into it therefore will then read it. The Daily Telegraph is a right wing newspaper therefore includes a vast amount of their columns in relation to politics and 'hard news'. The headline story on this particular front cover shows a 'sex scandal' amongst 'ministers'. If this was in a tabloid, the scandal would have been amongst reality stars and in a soft news format however due to it being in a tabloid, the article focus' on the politicians showing the more serious approach to reporting news.

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