Tuesday 21 November 2017

Left and Right Wing Comparison

Right Wing- Conservative

-Conservative supporters: UKIP, BNP
-Papers: Daily Mail, Telegraph
-' You earn what you work for, and you should keep what you earn'
- Survival of the fittest/richest/ best educated
-Believe in privatisation of things like health care, education etc
- Do not want a 'welfare state' , i.e.. benefits etc
- In favour of Brexit
- Anti-immigration
-Many voted against equal rights for gay people, some have 'traditional' views of women and pay
- Often tied to the Church and Christian beliefs

Left wing- Labour 

-Labour supporters: Labour Party, Green Party, Socialist Worker Party (extreme)
-Newspapers: The Guardian, Mirror
-Spread the wealth, more equality
-Taxation of the rich to pay for support for the poor
- Supports nationalisation ( public health, state education)
- Pro-europe, pro-immigration and multi-culture
- Pro-gay marriage, women rights etc
- Pro- environment and worried about climate change

OWEN JONES- '...largely run by a very small group of very right wing media moguls who defend the status quo of which they are part.If you are on the left and want to change society, the media will always come and get you'

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